Man Up – Part 2

 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success” – Joshua 1: 8

You have a God given right and responsibility to make your way prosperous!

One of the easiest thing to do is blame everyone but yourself for your misery and position in life. Dave Ramsey said, if you want to get to the root of your problem just take a look at the man in the mirror. That’s the culprit! That’s who you want to tackle! Truth is you may not be responsible for where you are today. You may have nothing to do with your family background, gender, the country of your birth and the colour of your skin but you have a God given right to change the course of your life and determine your destiny. 

A Danish Proverb says, my life is God’s gift to me and what I do with my life is my gift back to God. 

What are you doing with your life? 

A lot of people have victim mentality. They feel the whole world is against them while it is possible that they are the real opposition, but don’t just lay down and play dead to the situations in your life. It is time to rise up and take action. 

Like Jephthah, you may come from shameful and humble beginnings but if you are willing give it what it takes you will end up with your head high 

Still some people have entitlement mentality, they feel the government, community, family, and employers owe them. Truth be told, no one owes you anything. You need to Man-up and take charge of your life.

You may not be responsible for your past and what is happening to you today but be assured you are responsible for your future. Your power of choice is what no one can take from you. You can choose to be joyful at sad moments, you can choose to have the right attitudes in difficult circumstances, and you can choose to change to meet your future. You can choose to stay hopeful and positive in the midst of very hopeless situations. Your perspective matters! So choose it!

Here are 7 Steps to Man-up:

  • Take 100 % personal responsibility for your life. You give away your power of choice when you blame others for your life. This is key to helping you change.
  • Determine what you want your future to be – you must have a clear vision for where you are heading in life. If you don’t like where you are and what is happening to you today, start dreaming of a better future. Where do you want to be in 5 years? Dream Big! Check out my article on “Developing a Life Plan.” 
  • Build daily healthy habits and take daily action towards your desired future! MAN-UP and become intentional with your life. Your daily routine will determine your future destiny. What you do daily will affect what you become permanently. In order to change your future, you need to start today. It is the drops that make the ocean. You eat a whole elephant in little chunks.
  • Grow daily – You need to increase your capacity so you can become more! Whatever is not growing is dying? You are capable of doing and achieving great things. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish as you develop yourself. Checkout my article on “Developing a Growth Plan.”
  • Don’t be discouraged by set-backs and failures – Failure is just an opportunity to learn what does not work. Jig yourself and determine to give it another go. It is not over until it is over! Setbacks are simply a set up for a comeback. So come back and come back strong.
  • Associate with the right people! Where you will be two to five years from now will be based on the books you read and the people you associate with. Yes, read and associate with those who have left their wisdom. You will find yourself in books and as you begin finding yourself and changing you will become the right person—the person you associate with most will have the same foundation! You will be like who you hang around! So don’t limit yourself to books but yes get around those who are in life where you want to be! After all if your neighbour was in life where you wanted to be, he would not be your neighbour. 
  • Rely on the Grace of God to help you! God’s unmerited favour is there for you so simply RECEIVE! MAN-UP (yes, man upward; man up to success, man up to your potential; then when you reach one level man-up some more! Desire to be all that God created you to be!) 

Go ahead, MAKE YOUR WAY PROSPEROUS (whole in every area of life)! MAN-UP!

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